In Châteauneuf du Pape, there are several types of terroirs: on the terraces, there are large silica pebbles that cover the ground. They play a role of thermal regulator since they return the heat stored during the day to the grapes at night. They produce more powerful wines. Then come the gravelly soils, it means smaller stony limestone, clay soils that produce well-balanced wines and sandy soils that underline the aromas of the wines. Depending on the climatic conditions of each vintage, these different terroirs express themselves more or less strongly. Hence the art of the appellation's winegrowers to choose the grape varieties best suited to each terroir. In Chateauneuf, 13 different types of grapes are allowed and Domaine de l'or de Line has the luck to produce 11 of them on 15 different terroirs which brings them the opportunity to work every year with a great diversity of grapes.